Variable StandardResolutionReasonsConst

StandardResolutionReasons: {
} = ...

Type declaration

  • ReadonlyCACHED: "CACHED"

    The resolved value was retrieved from cache.

  • ReadonlyDEFAULT: "DEFAULT"

    The resolved value was configured statically, or otherwise fell back to a pre-configured value.


    The resolved value was the result of the flag being disabled in the management system.

  • ReadonlyERROR: "ERROR"

    The resolved value was the result of an error.

    Note: The errorCode and errorMessage fields may contain additional details of this error.

  • ReadonlySPLIT: "SPLIT"

    The resolved value was the result of pseudorandom assignment.

  • ReadonlySTALE: "STALE"

    The resolved value is non-authoritative or possibly out of date.

  • ReadonlySTATIC: "STATIC"

    The resolved value is static (no dynamic evaluation).


    The resolved value was the result of a dynamic evaluation, such as a rule or specific user-targeting.

  • ReadonlyUNKNOWN: "UNKNOWN"

    The reason for the resolved value could not be determined.