Class OpenFeatureCommonAPI<S, P, H>Abstract

Type Parameters

Hierarchy (view full)




_apiEmitter: GenericEventEmitter<AnyProviderEvent, Record<string, unknown>>
_clientEvents: Map<undefined | string, GenericEventEmitter<AnyProviderEvent, Record<string, unknown>>> = ...
_context: EvaluationContext = {}
_defaultProvider: ProviderWrapper<P, AnyProviderStatus>
_domainScopedContext: Map<string, EvaluationContext> = ...
_domainScopedProviders: Map<string, ProviderWrapper<P, AnyProviderStatus>>
_hooks: H[] = []
_logger: Logger = ...
_runsOn: Paradigm
_statusEnumType: typeof ClientProviderStatus | typeof ProviderStatus



  • Adds hooks that will run during flag evaluations on this receiver. Hooks are executed in the order they were registered. Adding additional hooks will not remove existing hooks. Hooks registered on the global API object run with all evaluations. Hooks registered on the client run with all evaluations on that client.


    • Rest...hooks: H[]

      A list of hooks that should always run

    Returns this

    The receiver (this object)

  • Get metadata about a registered provider using the client name. An unbound or empty client name will return metadata from the default provider.


    • Optionaldomain: string

      An identifier which logically binds clients with providers

    Returns ProviderMetadata

    Provider Metadata

  • Parameters

    • OptionaldomainOrProvider: string | P
    • OptionalproviderOrUndefined: P

    Returns void | Promise<void>

  • Sets a logger on this receiver. This logger supersedes to the global logger and is passed to various components in the SDK. The logger configured on the global API object will be used for all evaluations, unless overridden in a particular client.


    • logger: Logger

      The logger to be used

    Returns this

    The receiver (this object)